Sharon Kiernan
Germantown School District
Seat 4
Fostering Supportive Classrooms, Strengthening Trust, Ensuring Financial Accountability

Get to Know Sharon Kiernan
Hello! I'm Sharon Kiernan, and I’m very happy to be running for Germantown School Board Seat #4. I look forward to bringing the education experience currently missing to our board, which will help me better serve our students, teachers and families.
My husband and I have lived in the Town of Germantown for 30 years. We have two children who graduated from Germantown High School. I received my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, my Master's Degree from Mount Mary University, and a graduate level certificate in Elementary Mathematics Leadership from UW-Milwaukee.
Along with my extensive experience in the education field, I job-shared for five years in the Wauwatosa School District, during which time I designed, developed and facilitated two community outreach programs. The first was a Senior Volunteer Program, which brought retired community members into classrooms to support student learning. The second was an Intergenerational Friendly Visit Program with 4th graders and frail elders at a local nursing home.
I’ve always felt that the role of our public schools is to provide each and every student with the skills, mindset and dispositions needed not just to succeed academically, but to make a positive impact in the community and beyond. Every child deserves an education that is relevant, engaging and rooted in respect for their unique strengths, perspectives and dignity.
A 33-Year Career in Education
Milwaukee Public Schools
2-year tenure
Wauwatosa School District
22-year tenure
Mequon-Thiensville School District
9-year tenure
Classroom teacher
Grade 2
Teacher, learning coordinator, district teacher leader & project impact leader
Title 1 math
Gifted & talented program
Technology integration
Staff professional development
Elementary math specialist
Data analysis
Small group intervention
Team teaching & coaching
District-wide professional development
I’m deeply committed to public education and the success of our students. Our students, teachers and community all deserve a board with diverse experiences and balanced viewpoints to ensure the best possible outcomes. By bringing my experience and passion for education to the table, I aim to strengthen our schools and serve our community in a meaningful way.
Sharon Kiernan, Candidate for Germantown School Board
Key Priorities for the District
Teacher Retention
Attracting and retaining the best teachers & staff starts with ensuring they feel supported and valued. I will advocate for competitive salaries that reflect the time, dedication and expertise teachers bring to the classroom. I will continually emphasize that the single biggest impact on student success is the classroom teacher. Teachers matter!
Policy Implementation
In this position, I will advocate for policies that support reasonable class sizes & reasonable teacher work loads; in-class specialist support; professional development options; time for collaboration; and encourage creativity and innovation. Some of our greatest ideas come from our teachers & staff.
Diverse Perspectives
I will create a culture that fosters honest, fact-based discussions that genuinely consider and reflect diverse perspectives from educators, students, families & community members. I'd also ensure the board provides transparent communication around the budget and other key decisions to build greater trust and alignment.